NEWSREEL OUTTAKES: R.1: (B) New York City mayor and secretary Mr. Stone work while riding to City Hall in car. Mayor uses car dictaphone. R.2: (C) Mayor talks to Secy. Harold Le Claire Ickes at Department of Interior, Washington, D.C., about housing funds for New York City. (D) Mayor addresses striking members of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (I.B.E.W.) outside New York City Hall. Mayor, his wife and Hawaiian dignitaries watch Miss Poindexter christen battleship `Honolulu.' R.3: (BB) Highlights mayor's address to Fusion Party mayoralty campaign rally for him, Manhattan Opera Center, N.Y.C. Campaign song to melody of "Marine Hymn." (E) With administrator of Works Progress Administration, Col. Summerville, Mayor tours Rikers Island, N.Y.C., housing construction project by police boat; on shore, he operates steam shovel. Mayor raises flag at baseball game, Yankee Stadium, Bronx, N.Y.C. R.4: (H) La Guardia reviews American Legion parade, N.Y.C. He talks to N.Y. Gov. Herbert H. Lehman and Vermont Gov. George David Aiken in reviewing stand. R.5: (J) La Guardia marches in and reviews Legion parade with Lehman and other dignitaries. R.6 (N) Deputy District Attorney for New York County Thomas Edmund Dewey's indictments of racketeers. Negro woman spooning pasta from huge pot into bowl. Mrs. Frances Foley Gannon speaks about shopkeepers' cheating of consumers by weights and measures. Park Avenue Enclosed Market and street vendors in Chinatown and on Delancey Street, N.Y.C. R.7: (P) Tenement house fire, Brooklyn, N.Y. R.8: (R) Mayor conducts meeting of Board of Estimates and Apportionment, City Hall. Participants include Comptroller Frank J. Taylor; Brooklyn Borough Pres. Raymond V. Ingersoll; Queens Borough Pres. George V. Harvey; Pres. of Board of Aldermen William F. Brunner; Manhattan Borough Pres. Samuel Levy and Bronx Borough Pres. James J. Lyons. N.Y.C. scenics include Union Square, TammanyHall, 7th District Police Headquarters, Municipal Building and City Hall. R.9: (S) Mayor and Police Commissioner Lewis J. Valentine attend New York Police Academy graduation, College Point, Queens, N.Y. R.10: (T) Mayor and his office staff, City Hall. Mayor interviews Dr. John L. Rice for Commissioner of Health; David Marcus for Deputy Commissioner of Correction; William F. Carey for Commissioner of Sanitation and William Fellows Morgan, Jr., for Commissioner of Public Markets, Weights and Measures. R.11: (X) Mayor speaks with Thomas E. Dewey and Police Commissioner Valentine; and speaks at WNYC radio microphone about good city government. R.12: (Y) Excerpt from court trial of slot machine operators. Mayor with Dewey and Valentine. Commissioner of Accounts Paul Blanchard reports to mayor about mistreatment of aged on Welfare Island, N.Y.C. R.13: (Z) Judge Justine Wise Polier holds session in Children's Court. Mayor, at meeting in office, says that Federal law cannot stop New York from action against slot machine operators in city; he talks to victimized shopkeepers in his office. Re-enactment of 1935 "runaway" Grand Jury conducted by Lee Thompson Smith with jurors John Wehage, William M. Shaw, Milton M. Eisman and Walton Oakley. R.14: (FF) Judge Samuel Seabury speaks of 1933 investigation of corrupt N. Y.C. government under Mayor James John Walker and praises La Guardia administration. R.15: (GG) Deputy District Attorney for New York County Thomas Dewey meets in his office with Chief Assistants Barent Ten Eyck, William B. Herlands, Murray I. Gurfein and Jacob J. Rosenblum. Staff of accountants and stenography pool at work. Subpoena put in envelope; detectives take subpoenaed records from Woolworth Building. Chief Investigator Wayne Merrick and another investigator look through photograph file in District Attorney's office. R.16: (JJ) More activities in Dewey's offices include witnesses waiting to beinterviewed; clerks filing; Dewey dictates and meets with chief assistants. R.17: (MM) Mayor La Guardia addresses luncheo